Getting Started A Guide To Building Your Custom Home
Confused On Where To Begin? Lucky For You We Have Developed A Guide To Customizing Your Plan And Starting The Process Of Building A Custom Home.
Wait, Pump The Breaks!
While you can certainly proceed without having your lot purchased, we highly recommend having a plot in mind or working with a registered Real Estate Agent. (Your home’s dimensions are at the limitation of your plot of land). Lucky for you we have your back with our in-house Real Estate Agent. Once you have a plot in mind, our team will ensure it meets all construction requirements.
Step One
Browse our designs
Initially, view our signature design plans and find one that speaks to you. Once you have your design you should see a plan customizer button, Click the button and continue to the next step
Step Two
begin customizing
Once you have a design in mind and are on our customizer, select the corresponding design and follow the prompts to customize your home build.
Step Three
After customizing your home build, click “Email Quote” and fill your information in along with any additional changes you would like to forward to our team. Once submitted, we will be in touch very soon to begin the initial process.